Monday, October 19, 2009

Fucking words make my life...

There are a few words and phrases that make my life complete:
-Ingredients (it makes me think of a witch boiling some trouble in a cauldron).
-Boots (people always have to say it retarded).
-Panties (who the fuck uses such a feminine name for a piece of fabric so close to your asshole).
-Bull in a China shop (I have a specific cartoon that plays in my head when I think of this one).
-Spook House (I recently heard this one and couldn't stop laughing.).

I'll add more later, I'm too enthralled in the fact that there is a town in America called Tatoville. There is no way I would ever want that shit on my birth certificate. I mean, that's public record! I mean seriously, we can't just add ville on the end of any old word and expect people to live there. Hi, I'm John and I'm from Taintville. I'm originally from Choadland but the old ball & chain needed to move on account of her asthma.

Yeah, I'm definitely the crazy lady laughing at her computer screen right now...

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